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The Bargemon Mill

Actualités et Événements

Chers clients et amis,

Nous vous rappelons que le moulin fermera ses portes pour la saison le 10 janvier 2025, et toutes les commandes ont déjà été prises. Merci pour votre confiance et votre soutien tout au long de cette campagne. 🌿


Cependant, la boutique du moulin restera ouverte chaque samedi de janvier à mars aux horaires suivants :
🕙 10h à 12h
🕒 15h à 18h

À partir du mois d’avril, nous reprendrons nos horaires habituels.

Nous vous tiendrons également informés des événements ou ateliers que nous organiserons dans les mois à venir – restez connectés !


Merci de continuer à soutenir notre patrimoine et nos traditions. À très bientôt !

L’équipe du Moulin du Pré-Conduit

Dear clients and friends,

We would like to remind you that the mill will close for the season on 10th January 2025, and all orders have already been placed. Thank you for your trust and support throughout this campaign. 🌿


However, the mill’s shop will remain open every Saturday from January to March during the following hours:
🕙 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
🕒 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

From April onwards, we will resume our regular opening hours.


We will also keep you informed about any events or workshops we’ll be hosting in the coming months – stay tuned!


Thank you for continuing to support our heritage and traditions. See you soon!

The Moulin du Pré-Conduit Team

Inondation d'olive
Décoration de l'arbre de Noël
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During the olive harvest season, guided tours are available by appointment only, by calling +33 (0)7 83 09 64 23 or emailing
Bouteilles d'huile d'olive
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L'huile qui coule
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Visit the Mill

New Store Hours

Delivery and pickup from 4th November 2024

Delivery of Olives

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

7h - 9h

By appointment only

+33 (0) 7 83 55 91 89

A number will be given to you upon arrival

to ensure an orderly delivery process.

No payment is required when delivering the olives;

payment will be made when picking up your oil.

The name of the person delivering the olives must be

the same as the one picking up the oil, and it must

be written on your crates and drums.

No minimum amount for delivery

Oil Pickup

All payment will be made at the time of pickup
Patrick Porre and Catherine Pelissou will welcome every:


WEDNESDAYS et FRIDAYS from 17h to 19h at the mill.

• Present your green receipt given to you on delivery of your olives. Without this receipt, pickup is not possible
• Please have your payment ready: Credit card, Cheque, or Cash

Guided tour

Opening Hours:
April - December
Tuesday and Friday: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

January - March
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

(Closed on public holidays, by reservation only)

Guided Tours (in English/French) available without appointment during shop opening hours, or by phone reservation:
English Tour:
Nancy: +33 (0)6 76 80 84 56
Ludovic: +33 (0)7 44 42 85 05
Patrick 1: +33 (0)7 83 61 27 52

French Tour:
Patrick 2: +33 (0)6 86 55 02 66
Catherine: +33 (0)7 83 09 64 23




Escape Game

Tel: 07 83 09 64 23


About the mill

A medieval village nestled in the heights along the road to the Gorges du Verdon, Bargemon is one of the most beautiful and picturesque sites in the Dracénie region. Nicknamed "the Pearl of Upper Var," its heritage is among the most significant in our region. Abundant waterways, both surface and underground, feed the village and its surroundings. Fountains and washhouses charm us at every street corner. Many mills still existed just a few decades ago. The extraction of various minerals, milling, and olive cultivation were the primary activities of the village, along with livestock farming and cereal cultivation.

The Pré-Conduit mill, located in the Doux valley, is one of the many mills that once lined the Usines Canal. Already listed in the national heritage inventory commissioned by Napoleon III and recorded by Prosper Mérimée in the mid-19th century, it was one of the large mills that combined olive oil extraction with the pressing of other substances. A jewel of our village and traditions, the passage of time has taken its toll.

We cannot abandon this communal mill.




Join us and follow the evolution of this heritage by being part of our association!

Tel: 07 83 09 64 23


 Contact us / Follow us

  • Instagram
  • Facebook

+33 (0) 7 83 09 64 23

Image de Melina Kiefer
Apport Trituration

Lundi - Mecredi - Vendredi

7h - 9h

Sur RDV uniquement au


Mardi et Vendredi

15h - 19h

(sauf Janvier - Mars)


10h - 12h 15h - 19h

+33 (0) 7 83 09 64 23

+33 (0) 4 94 67 87 09

+33 (0) 7 83 09 64 23

©2021 by the bargemon mill. Created with

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